Pool Certification Upgrade from Basic
A Single-day course to upgrade to a certified pool freediver.
Service Description
POOL FREEDIVING The SSI Pool Freediving program provides students with the necessary skills and knowledge to safely participate in the recreational sport of freediving (breath-hold diving) in a pool/confined water environment. This class includes an upgraded eCourse and test for certification. Online Learning: You will start this class with an online course through the MySSI App. This course will provide you with the information you need to join us in the pool. Requirements For Completion: Pass the Exam with 80% Dynamic Bi-Fin Swim for a distance of 30 meters (99 feet) Dynamic No Fins Swim for a distance of 15 meters (50 feet) Student Prerequisites: Minimum age: 12 years old. Duration: 2-4 hours Depth Limitations: Maximum pool/confined water depth limit: 5 meters. Link to SSI for more information: https://www.divessi.com/en/get-certified/freediving/freediving-level-i
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
To Cancel or Reschedule, Please Contact us 3 Days in Advance.
Contact Details
Beaver Lake Dive Park, Dam Site Road, Eureka Springs, AR, USA